Sena Technologies, Inc. ئاپەکان

Sena RideConnected 1.1.2
Sena Technologies, Inc.
The RideConnected app for Sena headset and helmet users
인디고 퀵서비스 1.1.6
Sena Technologies, Inc.
인디고는 통화없이 앱으로 고객과 라이더를 직접 연결하는 퀵서비스 스마트폰앱입니다.인디고는 세심하고 편리한 기능을 바탕으로 20kg 이하의 소화물을 오토바이를 통해 빠르고 정확하고 안전하게 배송하는 것에집중합니다.“인디고 최초 이용 시 스타벅스 아메리카노(Tall) 기프티콘 무조건 증정!!”가. 지도 상 정확한 위치 표시주소만 입력하면 끝! 출발지/도착지에 대해 더 이상 구구절절한 설명이 필요 없습니다.나. 거리비례 요금 자동산정들쭉날쭉한 요금은 이제 그만! 인디고는 주행거리에 따른 합리적인 표준 요금제를 적용합니다.다. 신용카드 간편결제현금거래 없이 배송요금은 앱에 등록된 신용카드로 자동결제되며 카드전표는 이메일로 전송됩니다라. 라이더 정보 표시인디고는 신뢰할 수 있는 라이더와 함께 합니다. 배치된 라이더의 정보는 고객 앱에 표시됩니다.마. 배송 단계별 알림 전송고객의 궁금증 해소를 위해 배차-픽업-도착-완료의 배송 단계별로 푸시 또는 SMS를 전송합니다.바. 1회용 안심번호고객의 소중한 정보 보호를 위해 휴대폰 번호 노출없이 1회용 안심번호 서비스를 제공합니다.보다 자세한 사항은 홈페이지를 방문하시거나 인디고 고객센터로 연락주시기 바랍니다.홈페이지 페이스북고객센터 전화 : 1644-7537, 이메일 :고객센터 응대시간 : 월~금 09:00~18:00)Indigo is a quick-servicesmartphone apps that connect directly with customers in the appwithout the rider calls.Indigo is attentive and focused, based on the same convenientfeatures that provide fast, accurate and secure shipping a parcelof less than 20kg with a motorcycle."Indigo used during the first Starbucks Americano (Tall) Gifticonunconditional gift !!" end. Show exact location on mapJust enter your address ends! You no longer need a gugujeoljeoldescribes the origin / destination.I. Distance proportional rate automatically calculatedJagged rate is enough! Indigo will apply a reasonable standard planin accordance with the mileage.All. Easy credit card paymentShipping fees without cash transactions are automaticallyregistered to pay by credit card app card voucher will be sent bye-mailla. Rider Information DisplayIndigo is with a trusted riders. Information of the customerplacing the rider will be displayed on the app.hemp. Step-by-step transfer delivery notificationAllocation to resolve customer questions - Pickup - arrive - tosend the SMS or push the shipping stages of Disposable confidence numbersFor your protection, providing valuable information about thenumber of one-time relief services without exposure to mobile phonenumbers.For more details, please feel free to contact us or visit ourwebsite to Indigo.Main Facebook Service: 1644-7537, email: Interaction Center Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 to18:00)
Sena SF Utility v1.13
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena SF Utiltiy App for the SFx and LSE-01
Sena Technologies, Inc.
SCHUBERTH Smartphone App for the SC1 and SC10U
Sena Outdoor v2.4
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena Outdoor App for Sena outdoor Bluetooth products
Sena Technologies, Inc.
*Note: SMART HJC BT App works only with SMART HJC 50B, 21B, 20B
Intercom Utility for KENWOOD v1.1
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Intercom Utility for KENWOOD App for KCA-HX7C
MESH Utility for KENWOOD v1.1
Sena Technologies, Inc.
MESH Utility for KENWOOD App for KCA-HX5M
Sena Utility v2.12
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena Smartphone App for the 20S, 10S, 10C, 10U, 10R, Cavalry andTufftalk
SENA BTerm Bluetooth Terminal v1.4
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena 30K Utility v1.17.1
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena 30K Utiltiy App for the 30K
Bike-to-Bike Communication v1.1
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Utility App for the use of the BMW Motorrad Bike-to-Bikecommunication module.
Sena WiFi Accessories v1.9.1
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena WiFi Accessories App for WiFi Docking Station
Sena PRISM v1.9
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Remote Configuration of Your Prism at Your Hand
Sena 50 Utility v1.7
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena 50 Utility App for Sena 50 series
Sena Camera v1.8.8
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena Camera App for the Sena Camera Devices
Sena Momentum EVO Utility v1.8
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena Momentum EVO Utility App for the Momentum EVO
Sena Motorcycles v2.13
Sena Technologies, Inc.
The Sena Motorcycles App works with selected Sena products.
Sena Technologies, Inc.
The SC2 App is only compatible with the SC2.
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Setup and control all features and awake the ProCOM to a evenbetter solution
Com U1 v1.0
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Utility App for the use of ConnectedRide Com U1.
Sena MeshPort v1.2
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena MeshPort App for MeshPort Blue and MeshPort Red
Sena +Mesh v1.1
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena +Mesh App for the +Mesh product
Sena Cycling v2.4
Sena Technologies, Inc.
The Sena Cycling App works with selected Sena products.
Intercom Camera for KENWOOD v1.1
Sena Technologies, Inc.
Sena Industrial v1.2
Sena Technologies, Inc.
The Sena Industrial App works with selected Sena products.
Sena Marine v1.0
Sena Technologies, Inc.
The Sena Marine App works with selected Sena products.